
Thanks for visiting The Anxious Lesbian! Professionally, I’m an HR professional in Atlanta, GA who enjoys writing, watching ghost-hunting videos, and baking. Privately, I’m the producer of many voices, bendy body movements, and fake scenarios in my head that result in real anxiety.

Halloween is almost upon us!

Just a short life update!

Soon, the month of May will be upon us.

I have mixed emotions as I write this post. My trans community members are still being targeted- more so in this year than any other to date. People of color are still being murdered. At the same time, I am the happiest I have ever been within myself, body and mind, and within my professional…


Honestly, I don’t have a ton of updates. I would say that these are the main ones:

My First Day of My New Job

Yesterday, December 1, 2022, was my very first day at my new job and I was SO excited when I walked up to the front doors. My boss went over a detailed history of the founder, the organization, and the people they serve. I got to meet lots of their clients and I was shown…

An exciting new chapter!

I have great news! I am starting a new job in about 2 weeks! More details on that below, but firstly, I’d like to give a Prozac update: today marks the 10th day that I’ve been on 20 mg of Prozac, and I can’t say that I’ve gone through any tremendous changes in terms of…